Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Shining 5

Well as this epic book draws to the end I am still kept on the edge of my seat reading this book all the way until I can reach the exciting finish. First, Jack was some how able to get wasted, funny thing about that is there is no alcohol in the hotel it is all dry. Yet when Wendy went down stairs to find where Jack was she could smell the putrid smell of alcohol on his breath just as she had smelled such a long time ago. But when she got closer calling his name his eyes opened up and grabbed her ankle with an intent to kill Wendy and Danny all because he was now under the control of the Overlook Hotel. After he got up he began to walk forward and choke Wendy with no mercy then Danny started to scream “No Daddy!” Wendy began to see the world darken around her every breath she tried to take burned her lungs. Then she grabbed hold of an empty wine bottle that was on a table and she smashed it over the top of Jacks skull hoping to loosen his grip. That at least was able to knock Jack out. Then get this Wendy and Danny drag jacks body into the food storage room then lock him in there! Why wouldn’t they just end his life, personally if my dad went crazy and was trying to kill my mother and I, it would be a tough decision to kill my father or let him kill me and my mother. Any ways after they lock him in it switches to Mr. Hallorann’s view point, where he is trying relentlessly to get to the Overlook Hotel before it is too late. He manages to bump into one of the people he knows from the hotel and is able to borrow a snowmobile. Then it switches to Jack’s point of view, he wakes in the pantry and is very bitter surrounded by triscit boxes eating them violently and angry. He then hears a voice and it turns out to be Grady the server and bar tender or past keeper of the hotel who murdered his family and wife. Grady then begins to badger Jack about how he is going to fail his job by not keeping his wife and child in line and being overpowered by a mere child and women was unacceptable and pathetic. Then the door was opened by “Grady” and Jack walked out and grabbed a rouque mallet, and it said in the book right as he grabbed the weapon he had a sinister smile on his face. Then it jumps to Mr. Hallorann’s story once again. It says that he was getting close to the hotel when he saw what looked like a mountain wolf pushed down the mountain because of the storm but once he got closer he could tell it looked like a lion, a hedge lion it started to attack Hallorann with vicious intent. It began taking chunks out of him by slashing its twig like claws along Halloranns body cutting him up with every swipe of the hedge lion’s mighty paw. Then it cuts off and jumps to Wendy’s thoughts. It says that she was up stairs in their room with just her and Danny but they started to hear the elevator going again and the sound of people partying and dancing, she also heard jack screaming, and of course later she goes down stairs and Jack basically crushes a lot of her bones and makes a lot of cuts in her body, you will have to wait for more of the ending on this sweet wonderful book until next week LURKER signing off.

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