Friday, September 16, 2011

Currently Week 4

Page total 18

Last week 100

Well this week I didn't read as much I just finished my book and now I need to make my next choice for a book. I would highly recomend The Shining for anyone who likes to be on the edge while reading this epic horror story.

Sentances of the Week

1) She turned and he was coming for her. It was Jack and yet not Jack. His eyes were lit with a vancant, murderous glow; his familiar mouth now wore a quivering, joyless grin.

2) "Oh dear God!" she screamed to the Overlook's shadowy lobby, and buried the kitchen knife in his lower back up to the handle.

3) Then, as he closed on it, he recognized it and horror closed his throat. Not a wolf but a lion. A hedge lion.

My favorite sentance out of the little pages I read would have to be number one. At this point in the story Jack has indefinetly lost his freaking mind, he now believes that Wendy and Danny are planning aginst him to take the hotel from him. He now is out to kill Danny and Wendy with a roque mallet, how brutal is that!

Top Three Poems (so far)

1) "Gee, your so beautiful that it's starting to rain"
     - This poem really stood out to me because it really used surrealism in its poem, I also thought it was clever to use a report card at the end of the poem.

2) "First Kiss"
     -This is another poem that stood out to me by kind of tricking the reader. At the begining of this poem you think its just going to be another "roses are red violets are blue" poem. But in fact after  it gets past the gushy love part it tells us that after that it says that the girl is then just sitting in a room all by herself.

3) "Dust"
     -I liked this poem because it says god comes with his black wings which is different you would think they would be white.

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