Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Colorado Kid by Stephen King

So last weekend I asked my mom if she had any good Stephen King books because I really loved reading the shining it gave me goose bumps as I turned every page of horror. She gave me a couple different choices one which was Frankenstein but after my experience with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein I didn’t want to risk another reading such as that one. When I came across this book with a lovely lady on the cover looking kind of scandalous, then I looked at the author and it was Stephen King! I read the back of the book and it really seemed to interest me. The sentence that really caught my eye was “With an All-New Investigation into the Unknown.” Doesn’t that just make you want to pick it up and start reading into the whole story?! It started the story off in a diner where The Weekly Islander writers have just walked out unsatisfied with the information they have gathered and they left two fifties under the salt shaker. That’s a lot of money. It then goes on between a conversations with the people still at the table talking about how there is a customer tab that each customer holds and it is all on the waitresses back if the customer pays or not. For example a person could come in eat everything off the menu and run and all that money would put the waitress in debt for paying for that dinner. Which I think is a really dumb idea because it would be real easy to make the diner go out of business just by dinning and dashing. The beginning of this story is kind of bleak, but that is with any introduction to a new story. You first have to know the base line material before you get into the creepy mystery crime story. I really wish it just jumped into the mysterious story line. Because although I loved the shining it did the same thing that this book is doing. Which was start with the back story and memories instead of getting to the creepy parts of the story. The creepy parts were probably the most exciting and heart pounding moments of that book, and I hope that The Colorado Kid  does the same for me like The Shining  did so well.

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