Friday, September 2, 2011


Books: The Shining

Pages read 269-374

Sentances of The Week

1. "It was Her! It was Her!"
     This was what Danny said when Jack asked who had hurt him, Jack then turned and looked at Wendy Suspiciously. I thought he would of went off and beaten Wendy for hurting Danny but instead Jack just stayed calm and asked what happened. The real reason Danny got hurt was locked away in room 217

2.  "I hated looking at it, it was as if it had a stinger on the end."
      Jack was told by Wendy to go and see if the snow mobile worked. I think Jack is reffering to the snowmobile as if it were the hornets nest he delt with before the winter started. Even though the snowmobile could have taken the whole family to saftey Jack was still willing to stay but why?

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