Friday, October 21, 2011


Pages Read : 219-319

Books Read : IT  By Stephen King

Top Five Best Style Mappers (in first period)

1) J-Momma-" Keep it, Guard it, care of it, for it keeps men, guards men, cares for men. Destroy it and man is destroyed."  He wants people to take care of the land we live on because it takes care of us and without it we are nothing.

2) Bakeface Space- The elevation is low. It seems like this is taking place in the south which is known for their slang and terse language. The sound of the story is harsh. The words are noisy and hard sounding. Lastly, the story is denotative. It has no expressive voice in it and just says it how it is.

3) Happy Go Lucky- The excerpt has a rhythmic flow which is emphasized through various sentences. The sentence "Days of riding where ther rode no soul save he," is poetic in a sense that people everyday do not talk like that.

4) ZENGERINEgoesacademic- In contrast, Cormac McCarthy's figurative-language-heavy introduction to Blood Meridian balances both an earthy grittiness and an elevated vocabulary as McCarthy describes the surroundings. By far the simplest of all, Walker Lamond's Rules for My Unborn Son has a no-nonsense and almost journalistic approach to writing.

5) Twilight- In this passage from Cormac McCarthy's "Blood Meridian," he uses common familiarity and suggestive language mixed with a harmonious and sweet sound.
Favorites: I choose these excerpts because the each person did a good job of describing the situation,or their ideas about the writings.

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