Friday, November 11, 2011


I characterized myself not as a reader; I rarely read books because I always had to read books the school assigned. I wasn’t very independent I didn’t even read many of the books that were assigned in school spark notes just became my best friend. Since I didn’t read very much I don’t have an answer for what kinds of things I wear. During the course of the semester I read big into horror stories such as, IT and The Shining. I also read The Colorado Kid But that book was a real let down. I didn’t have much trouble sticking with books except for IT which I am reading right now, I find it hard for me to stick with a book that tells a lot of back story before getting into the creepy parts. I choose my books by how creepy the cover was and how creepy it sounded. Sometimes I did have trouble reaching the quota just because I never disciplined myself to just sit down and read for 20 min every night. I found myself reading during school in class after I have finished my work in the other classes. I also found myself reading a lot right when I go to bed. I personally like to read in silence, if I listened to music I feel like I would focus too much on the music that is playing. I did find myself talking about my books to other people just because they were interesting stories.

 Overall this blogging experience has been fun I liked being able to choose my own book to write about and having my own freedom with the blog

Friday, November 4, 2011


Pages Read 319-510

Books Read : IT

While reading this book I have noticed that in the movie there is less content than there is in the book. Reading the book gives all of this background information about each character which is cool but after reading alot about the character I hope to read about an encounter with the clown and how creepy he is. My favorite parts when reading the book are when Pennywise the clown comes in and some paranormal mishap happens to one of the adults. Like when Beverly was in her bathroom and she heard a voice come from the sink drain then next thing you know her bathroom becomes covered in blood, but her father can see none of it! Overall getting to the creepy parts are my favorite when reading a Stephen King book.

Sentances of the two weeks

1) Its face was deadly pale, its eyes purplish-red, the color of bloodclots. Its mouth dropped open, revealing a mouthful of Gillette Blue-Blades that had been set in the gums at angles; it was like looking into a deadly mirror-maze where a single misstep could get you cut in half.

2) "KEEE-RUNCH!" it screamed, and its jaws snapped closed. Blood gouted from its mouth in a red-black flood. Chunks of its severed lips fell to the glowing white silk of its formal shirt and slid down its front, leaving snail-trails of blood behind.

3) "Come on up, Ben," Pennywise called down. "I won't hurt you. I've got a book for you! A book . . .and a balloon! Come on up !"

Thursday, November 3, 2011


So today I emailed the graphic design teacher at Saint Francis(which is what I want to study in college) about the winners for a talent day competition. I had asked him about the winners on October 25 and I didn't hear anything untill I talked to him today. But today he told me that I had won a scholar ship for the school!!! This will be the second scholarship I have earned to the school of Saint Francis! I am so excited tostart next fall at the School of Creative Arts I can't wait!!