Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shining 3 / Part 1 of 2

So I know I haven't blogged since last week but I have gotten a chance to read during my break at work and at school. So to carry on with the story, Now Jack is getting blamed for putting the hand mark around Dannys neck just because Jack broke his arm when he was drunk. Now Wendy is accusing Jack of hurting Danny and she ran off with Danny and locked herself in the suite with Danny. This made jack furious then he turned on the radio and it started to pick up an unusual sound then it got clearer and he could hear his fathers voice but that was impossible because Jacks father had died a long time ago then it started to tell him to kill Wendy and Danny so jack started yelling and he threw the radio down on the floor and smashed it into bits and pieces. Then when they confronted Danny about what happened he began to yell "she did it" over and over. Then jack turned to Wendy with disgust and asked what she had done. Then Danny told them everything, like his visions and how he can read people's thoughts and how the dead lady in room 217 wrapped her cold dead hands around his throat and made him look her in the eyes. So jack and Wendy were frightened that's someone could be living in the overlook hotel so jack went up to the room to see what was up there. Stay tuned untill next blog post to see what Jack Torrence finds up stairs in the restricted room 217

Friday, August 26, 2011


The Shining by Stephen King

Pages read 120


1."Cane him for it, Jacky my boy, cane him within an inch of his life."
     I like this sentance because it is reveling the inner conflict with Jack and his old memories of his father. This is where his father is trying to influence Jack to beat Danny

2. "Just close your eyes and it will be gone."
     This sentence is where Danny is trying to get rid of the visions in room 217

3. "glad you asked because curiosity killed that cat and it was the HOPE of satisfaction that brought  him."
     In this I think it is refering to Jack because he was curious about the hotel and getting a job would hopefully help his family out.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Shining Part Two

In the part called "In the Playground" Jack goes out to trim the topiary's which are basically shrubs shaved to create an animal or any other shape. Any ways Jack went out to go trim them up before the winter storm hit. As Jack was just finishing trimming one of the topiarys he went over to the playground equipment where he began thinking of his dad and his child hood. But when he went back to get the hedge clippers he noticed the rabbit, which had been on it's hind legs, was now cropping the grass with its belly against the ground. He looked to the dog and noticed that it was moving closer and closer looking more vicious by the second. Then he yelled "no no NO NO I WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS NOT AT ALL" with his hands over his eyes, and when he opened them they were all back to there original positions.
        Also a big part that I read was when danny went into room 217. This is the room that Mr. Hallorann had told danny not to go into to but he went into it any way. When he walked in everything seemed dark but that was because Jack had closed all of the shades in every room for the winter. When he kept walking in the room the noticed the bathroom door was cracked open so he entered (bad idea) when he got in the shower curtain was closed. And of course what does Danny do, he opens that stinkin curtain and behind it was a dead woman, it said she was bloated in her stomach and she was gazing straight into dannys eyes. He Then began to run to the door looking back seeing her getting up!!! With the same deadly gaze of her eyes he ran to the door and could'nt open it even though it was unlocked and all danny had to do was pull the handle... moron. Another thing that was reveled in to book was the back story about Jack's child hood and how his Father was and alcoholic (Like Father Like Son). This also added to Jack's father beating his mother over the dumbest things but maybe this is the reason Jack drinks as well. But when Jack broke Danny's arm when he was drunk I bet he felt like his father beating his mom and I think that made him want to stop drinking. Any ways im really getting into the creepy parts of this story and I can't wait for it to get better Lurker out.

Segments Of The Week From The Shinning

1. This inhuman place makes human monsters.

2. Having a wonderful time wish you were fear.

3. "Now. Now by Christ. I guess you'll take your medicine now. Goddam puppy. Whelp. Come on and take your medicine now."

4. "You have to kill him , Jacky, and her, too. Because a real artist must suffer."

5.  He stood blinking down at the shattered radio. Now there was only the snowmobile in the equipment shed to link them to the outside world

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Shining

Well I have started to pick up on reading the shining. I started it this last spring break but I just haven't gotten the time to just sit down and read. I have picked up where Jack Torrence is slowly but surely starting to lose his sanity. He has been chewing excedrine which he only did when he drank but now he would take it for headaches. He then decided to call Ullman (the manager of the overlook hotel) and basically try to black mail him, Jack said he wanted to write a book about the overlook hotel and all of it's scandals such as the man who was found dead because of a "heart attack". Now that Jack is becoming more and more on edge he keeps having thoughts of drinking saying he needs a drink this tells me that Jack is becoming desperate. Danny Torrence (Jacks son) is able to basically read the thoughts of people around him and he can tell that his dad is losing it and he can also tell his Mother is becoming scared of Jack as well. I can't wait till it gets to the weird crap in this story.

Friday, August 19, 2011